Engineering design services were provided for the Non-Arterial Maintenance/Rehabilitation City of Tulsa 2014 IOT General Obligation Bond. The project limits are within Sheridan Rd. and S. 74th E. Ave. bounded by E. 26th Pl. to the north and by both E. 28th St. S. and E. 30th St. S. to the south. It encompassed an area of approximately 102 acres; 16 of which will e disturbed during the reconstruction. There are more than 3.0 miles of 2-lane asphalt streets. A total of 12 streets are included in the project and involve concrete curbs and gutters, drainage improvements, construction of ADA ramps, sidewalks, and total waterline replacement. A number of rehabilitation alternatives were considered for MZ 5033. It was determined some streets had structural pavement deficiency. The deterioration was primarily due to existing soil conditions. Options are to reconstruct with a 7 inch Hot Mix Asphalt pavement surface. All curbs and gutters are scheduled to be replaced to restore the drainage path along the roadways. All existing drainage inlet structures will carry the 100 year flood. CGA has recommended an option that incorporated a combination of rehabilitation and reconstruction; this includes mill and overly, patching and total reconstruction. The street rehabilitation options depended on the existing pavement severity and distress level of each street. Areas of localized subgrade failures were totally reconstructed. Reconstruction of streets maintained a 3.125% transversal slope and a minimum of 0.75% longitudinal slope. Having to meet the existing constraints of the driveways and sidewalks, cross slope of the mill and overlay streets was adjusted to new standards. Thus, eliminated the need to acquire additional right of way easements and met driveway design specifications. This project considerably minimized the amount of the drainage flooding and ponding issues within the street limits. Repairs included sidewalks, handicap access ramps, sod replacement and ancillary items required to complete the project. Other services included are collecting field data, prepare plans and specification for bidding phase and assistance during construction phases.
Major Pay Items Include the Following:
Major Pay Items Include the Following:
- 9,596 linear feet of 6" waterline PVC pipe
- 24,347 cubic yards unclassified excavation
- 11,455 cubic yards aggregate base (Type A)
- 34,072 square yards of Sub-grade Method B
- 13,309 tons of asphalt pavement
- 19,779 square yards of fabric reinforcement and 44,347 square yards separator fabric
- 19,779 square yards of cold milling pavement and 1,000 cubic yards of full depth AC patch
- 14,254 solid slab sod and 30,000 linear feet of silt fence
- 23,328 linear feet 2'-2" combination curb and gutter (6" barrier)
- 9,370 square yards 4" concrete sidewalk and 74 wheelchair ramps and 14,356 square yards 6" concrete drives
- 871 linear feet of stormwater pipe (18"/24" RCP), 51 stormwater inlets and manholes
- Utility coordination and temporary construction easement acquisition