This project consisted of providing professional engineering services for street maintenance/rehabilitation for Maintenance Zone 5041: Briardale Addition. Services included collecting and quantifying field data for street maintenance, upgrading stormwater inlets with additional stormwater improvements, prepare plans and specifications for repairs, resurface and/or reconstruction of facilities including sidewalks and driveways; and the preparation of plans, specification and contract documents.
Included in this scope was rehabilitation of 1.8 miles of 2-lane asphalt streets with concrete curb and gutters. Due to deterioration and soil movement, the curb and gutters had to be replaced to restore drainage along the roadway. Upon field investigation, it was determined that the middle section of the roadway was still in fair condition and that the deterioration was primarily limited to the edges of the roadway. Thus the repair strategy utilized was to remove the concrete curb and gutters and the adjoining 1.5 feet to 3.0 feet of asphalt pavement and only reconstruct areas of localized subgrade failures. Having to meet the existing constraints of the driveway and sidewalks along with the middle section of roadway to remain, separate profiles were designed for right and left edges to insure positive drainage and to meet the design intent. After the repairs to the sides of the roadway and the replacement of the curbs and gutters, the entire roadway will receive a leveling course and a 2 inch asphalt overlay. Major pay items include the following: