The Cherokee Nation Community Services Group, Roads Department contracted CGA Engineers, Inc. to prepare engineering design plans for Oak Ridge Road. Project involves the construction of six (6) miles roadway corridor beginning at the intersection of N4740 Road in Adair County Oklahoma to Arkansas Highway 59. The project includes investigation, analysis and data collection, evaluation of existing conditions, surveying, and general services during construction. This project involves grading, drainage, and surfacing. Portions of the roadway are on new horizontal alignment to meet design speed requirements. The project will be designed for a 40mph with 0.3% minimum grades and maximum grades of 12%. The recommended roadway width of 30 ft, with a typical section that included 4ft shoulders (2 ft unpaved, 2ft paved), 11 ft lanes and a 2% cross slope was used. This project will have an optimized geometry that features a switchback alternative designed for 35 mph and required deviation from existing corridor. It meanders from the existing corridor with flatter curves for 8% super elevation in order to achieve cut/fill depths within 50ft or less. The corridor will switch back with loner transitions to meet each horizontal curve. The geometric layout deviates from the original roadway at some locations, but it allows for a horizontal roadway alignment that meets design requirements and switchback to the existing roadway. It maintains the minimum transition length between horizontal curves and still meets the AASHTO Guidelines. It minimized the rock excavation. A conceptual design was presented and approved and currently under preliminary design review process. The project also includes drainage analysis and drainage design for four culvert box bridges at four creek crossings along the corridor. The project is estimated to begin construction in 2020. Estimated construction cost between $8-$10 million dollars.