CGA was subcontracted by HUB Engineering to design an incidental construction detour shoofly. Approximately 2,200 linear feet of detour shoofly with minimum offset of 70'-75' from the centerline of the proposed mainline road. The best design involved designing the shoofly as short as possible within the specified limits. Project also involved design of 12 ft TBSC driveways for local access; extending temporary storm cross drain 30" RCP pipes. The project also involved providing cut and fill quantities for the shoofly area. The most current edition (2011) of AASHTO standards design parameters were used for the shoofly. The following parameters were used:
CGA prepared plan and profiles and cross sections and HUB incorporated the shoofly design into the main road plan and profile sheets. Assisted HUB in design review period as it related to the shoofly portion of the project.
- Design speed of 45 mph
- 2% normal crown/reverse crown
- Meet proposed mainline design elevation at both ends of project
- Use typical section as provided by HUB 2" wearing surface over 8" sub-grade
- Use 4:1 to 3:1 cut/fill slope for the shoofly road
- Check design for maximum radii
- Use 2009 ODOT construction specifications
CGA prepared plan and profiles and cross sections and HUB incorporated the shoofly design into the main road plan and profile sheets. Assisted HUB in design review period as it related to the shoofly portion of the project.