CGA Engineers' was secured for the design of the Cherokee Nation Enterprise Casino, located approximately 2.5 miles north of Ramona, Oklahoma on Highway 75. The project is a phased project. Phase I consisted of designing the infrastructure for a temporary casino, Phase II consisted of designing the infrastructure for a permanent casino. In Phase I, the design included modifications to Highway 75 which include: lengthening the north bound turn lane, widening the median opening, and improving the ramp off of the highway. These modifications had to be approved by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. The Cherokee Nation Enterprise anticipates that truck drivers will patronize the casino; therefore, CGA Engineers used AutoTURN software to evaluate the access road and parking lots for sufficient layout space to ensure that truck traffic will not experience problems or be a hindrance to passenger vehicles. The completed casino site will include approximately 6.5 acres of paved surface which will substantially increase the stormwater runoff volume. In order to control the increased runoff, a detention pond with a control discharge structure was designed for the site. The retarded discharge from the pond will allow for the overall discharge from the finished site to be similar to the pre-construction conditions. The stormwater will drain into the ODOT drainage system and ODOT will provide oversight in the stormwater design. The native conditions of the site contain substantial elevation relief across the site, approximately 30 feet. Great care was taken to balance the cut and fill material so that the project would not require borrow or leave the site with large amounts of waste. Phase I of the project includes approximately 30,000 CY of excavation. The excavation design for Phase I provided the necessary material to construct a construction road for the construction of Phase II. Utilities for both phases of the project had to e anticipated and the design for Phase I allowed for Phase I demands plus Phase II modifications and increased demand placed upon the utilities designed for the first phase. In order to accommodate the sanitary sewer needs for the casino, CGA Engineers incorporated a future lift station designed by the City of Ramona's engineers.
This gave CGA Engineer's the opportunity to showcase the ability to meet the needs of an owner that planned a complex phased project and interact with other regulatory agencies tat have an effect upon the completed project. We can assist in master-planning projects and implement coordination skills for projects such as this. Site Design
Utility Design
Costruction Cost - $1,371,000.00 |