Water Design
CGA Engineers has designed several new and rehabilitated potable water projects for clients. Our goal is to meet all standards, including DEQ, EPA, state and municipal. The scope of projects has included:
Representative Projects

Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority (TMUA) 02-55 Phase 2 - 1934rd E. Ave. to 225th E. Ave. to 11th St. Waterline: 3 miles of 12" ductile waterline and a 262' bore under the Creek Turnpike and right of way documents for the waterline.
TMUA W 07-26: 2" Waterline Replacement: 2.4 miles of 6" waterlines in 15 separate alignments and locations.
- Kay County Rural Water District 1 - Kay County Oklahoma - Replace over 5 miles of 2" with new 4" waterlines; a 1.5-mile 6" line with a booster pump station.
- Maintenance Zone 4024 - City of Tulsa Waterline: 1.5 miles of waterline replacements, a collector and a minor arterial; in conjunction with street, stormwater and sanitary sewer rehabilitation along same corridor.